P2A Learn the Constellations Astronomy Resources About

Here is my personal list of astronomy resources:

This list is constantly being updated, and isn't exhaustive, but here are some astronomy resources that I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Background information for creating this page:

I was very lucky to discover my love for astronomy when I was 14 years-old, but I had no clue about the most popular and helpful resources to make this dream a reality.

Although I was familiar with high school research programs and STEM competitions, I had no clue my now favourite opportunities (SSP and USAAAO) existed until the last moment's notice. For context, I applied to SSP a day before applications were due and I took the USAAAO as a senior in high school. Though I'm grateful for these immersive opportunities, I wish I had discovered them years before. I hope this list of resources ensures you don't face my similar predicament.

Hi, I'm Aryan. I'm a college student interested in astrophysics and STEM outreach.

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